
stuffed eggplants

Do you make this food in your country?
This is a summer food here!

You have to empty the eggplants, cut the inside into little pieces, mix them with a lot of onion, garlic, a lot of fresh tomato into pieces also, salt, pepper, sugar (a tea spoon), parsley and oil.
Then put in the oven for about an hour.


TeamSplashi said...

Yes we do make something like that, but we might use some panceta or so.

btw which team do you support ?


amatamari© said...


Leif Hagen said...

Never seen that before now! I'll have to sweet talk my wife to try making it!

Gabor said...

absolutely delicious! makes me want to head out to my local Greek restaurant!

VP said...

With a bit different filling are called melanzane ripiene (stuffed eggplants).

Tinsie said...

Yum yum! I love those eggplants, I could eat them raw :-)

Antjas said...

What time would you like us for supper?

Lois said...

That looks very good!

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