
summer I

As you can easily understand, this is not Athens!
It is a bay in Peloponesse, where we spent our vacation.
Unbelievably quite!


Leif Hagen said...

Hello Lemon! Thanks for the beautiful ocean photo. Wish I could visit there. Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA

VP said...

Very nice place, as you say it looks really quiet. Wonderful image-

Yukinori Katayama said...

I envy you to visit such beautiful place!
I wish you to appear yorself in photo...

Rosemildo Sales Furtado said...

Olá amiga! Estou realmente encantado com o teu espaço e as lindas fotos, porém, seria bem melhor se colocasses um tradutor, pois ficaria mais fácil para entender e comentar.



Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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