
Holy Strength

A little Church dedicated to "Holy Strength"
standing under a tall building
(former Ministry of Education).

Not so nice but very strange scene!

History: it was build on 16th century and
is said to protect pregnant women.
Because of the archaeological value
they had to build the building
over the church.

More details here

(For Vogon Poet)


VP said...

Thank you very much, I really appreciate this!
The little church is wonderful tucked under that building and need some Holy Strength to endure this fate...

Lois said...

How interesting! You would hardly know it is there.

Anonymous said...

It is a strange place where the church is, but at least, patrimony has been kept and respected.

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Intriguing shot, the church is quite concealed one can hardly recognize it. Must be hard to be a builder in Athens, a city full of historic buildings.

Tinsie said...

I know this church but I've never stopped to look at it properly. Shame the building over it is such an eyesore!

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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