
flying santas

The streets were empty today,
so this lot of plastic santas seemed funny
flying over the street.

It' s decoration of a shop in the corner
selling christmas ornaments...


Lois said...

They are cute!

VP said...

I posted a Santas Attack last year, but this is even more spectacular...

Yukinori Katayama said...

Ahaha! Very funy!
You don't have formal regulation og traffic in your ountry.

Jim said...

Strange but great decoration.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Tinsie said...

Fab shot! It made me smile :-)

lemon said...

So, Merry Cristmas to all, from the lot of Greek Santas!!

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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