
pink house


Yukinori Katayama said...

See my blog of "Visit Japan".
You may think you have to come here again!

Margarida said...

Nice to see your photos. I was in Greece 12 years ago and I loved it. I was with my penfriend and we visited Athens, Olympos and some other towns. Just passing to say hello!

Γιώργος said...

Μια πινελια στην άχρωμη Αθήνα.

Καλό σου βραδυ.

Unknown said...

Follow my blog of "Leaving Cairo, the UK and back to Greece" for another view of living in Athens.
Love your pictures and as an EFL teacher, I will go to the bookshop in Solonos. :0)

Lucas Kain said...

Haha! Who would paint their house pink? :)

call South Africa

Epicuros said...

Ενδιαφέρον. Δεν φτάνουμε, βέβαια, τη Barcelona σε φουτουριστικά κτήρια, αλλά και η Αθήνα, αν την ψάξεις κάτι θα σου δώσει...

Το εγκατέλλειψες αυτό το blog; Κρίμα!

Louisette said...

Lovely,sametimes in Katanga housepainting are in pink or green , but the fisrt color was yellow

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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