
light blue

Strong sun, heavy shadows. This is spring.


valeria said...

Hello Lemon! Thank you for your nice comment on my Midmorning Coffee.... That means a coffee at about 10-11 in the morning!
I like your Athens blog! I first opened "Lemon" but I couldn't understand greek...sorry.

Kris McCracken said...

We're heading into Autumn here, but the weather looks great in Athens here...

Marcel said...

Good to see spring is also coming to Greece! Thanks for your comments on my blog. Nice to hear that you enjoyed Holland when you were there! Cheers from Marcel

lemon said...

Hi valeria, kris, marcel, very nice to have met you!

Jane Hards Photography said...

The light is gorgeous.

lemon said...

Thank you, Babooska :)

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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