
easter days

Eggs dyed with onion peels, wine, and home made olive bread,
brought to our house by friends of the heart!


Fio said...

We use onion peels too!
The olive bread lokks so yummy...

Yukinori Katayama said...

we can't see such dishes around our table...looks delicipus!

VP said...

We have some kind of olive bread, but yours looks more tasty. I never heard of this thing with onion peels: nice idea!

lemon said...

Well, the bread not only is made at home by a friend of ours, but also has all biological ingredients!!

The onion peels are an alternative/natural way of dyeing eggs, Vogon Poet. Fio already knows about it!

I wanted to share such a gift, that is why I posted the photo, Nori!

Thanks, to all of you

Antjas said...

The onion peels create a beautiful color. My mother used to boil onion skins and rinse her hair with it. It really made here hair shiny. Happy Easter.

lemon said...

Happy Easter to you too, Antjas. Nice to meet you!

valeria said...

Onion peels?!? This sounds really new to me and quite interesting! That loaf looks delicious...!!!

lemon said...

Thank you, Valeria :)

Kylie Young said...

I enjoyeed reading your post

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