
autumn rain

As seen from Petroupoli,
On the right an old furnace,
not used any more but nice to see.
On the left Petroupoleos str,
straight, long, green on both sides.


Δέσποινα said...

Χαρακτηριστική φθινοπωρινή, αθηναϊκή εικόνα!
Καλό φθινόπωρο από σήμερα!

Lois said...

That is a nice view!

Leif Hagen said...

I dream to visit Athens and other parts of Greece someday!

Yukinori Katayama said...
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Yukinori Katayama said...

City view!
I could have a clear image to the city by this photo.
I like to be lost in this city for a while...

Tinsie said...

What is the hill in the distance?

lemon said...

To Tinsie: Acropolis (I think)!

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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