

means fruit and grocery seller, and
το παραδοσιακόν
means "the traditional".
Such little shops do still exist in neighbourhoods.
This place is called Mets and
is in a walking-distance from Syntagma...


Yukinori Katayama said...

I could find watermelon in this photo.
We can see it in the store only in summer. Of course in Japan.

Paulo Camacho said...

Nice photo to show the wold that we need to preserve things this shops. And you have a nice blog too of a city that must be wonderfull.
I will follow you blog.
If you have time, you can visit my blog
Sincerely yours,
Paulo Camacho

lemon said...

Nori: we, too, have watermelons only in summer.

Paulo Camacho: Thank you! I like Athens. It has some very nice corners and some awful ones also, like every city.
You just have to want to see the beauty.

I do follow your blog since some time!

Paulo Camacho said...

Sorry. It's true, you follow my pitures since some time ago.
Paulo Camacho

Tinsie said...

I love these little corner shops. And I love watermelon too!

Lois said...

Those watermelons look good!

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
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