
Come, nice plants!

A "moving" plant-seller!
He drives through neighbourhoods and
calls women by a loudspeaker
to come and buy plants
for their gardens and balconies!


Yukinori Katayama said...

We have never seen that scene in Japan. Those cars are only for "lending" to offices or shops.

Leif Hagen said...

I wish he made deliveries in my town - I need some new house plants!

Lois said...

I have never seen that done here, but I think it is a good idea!

Tinsie said...

I wish we had these moving seller over here, they're so handy!

Athens, the capital of Greece, with more than 3.000.000 people....
It's not just ancient ruins and pollution.
Its' also the suburbs, everyday people, gardens, bitter orange trees.
free counters
